Friday, June 21, 2013


Hey People!!!

I am Kimmy, and I love to sew. I am gonna use this blog to show my 13 year old insight in sewing and all kinds of crafts. I am gonna challenge myself (and maybe others too) to make my (your) own wardrobe from scratch!!!!

Well, I was lucky enough to go to Joann's the other day. I got a two-way stretch knit fabric with pink and purple butterflies on it. It was quite pricey... $12.99 per yard. eek. I bought two yards of it. Luckily I used some cupons so it was better in the end... I also got this really pretty floral vintage print with a maroon background (it was a really nice fabric) and it was $7.99 per yard. I got three yards. Afterwards I went to Walmart and got this awesome green leafy print for $2 per yard (I bought 2 yards)! What an awesome deal. A while ago I got 5 yards... 5 YARDS of yellow Gingam. Not Gangam, gingam. I am going to make it into a dress. I will sew it up and show the world (whoever in the world sees this) my first ever addition to my homemade closet. Happy Sewing!!!

<3 Kimmy
BEHOLD! Gingam!! :)